519-473-0501 | info@solcan.ca

Solar Pool Heating

Solar pool heating systems are a convenient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly way to improve your backyard experience, extend your swimming season, and reduce your energy bills, making it so you have more time and money for the things you love. Contact us to get started today!

How It Works

A solar pool heating system diverts the pool water from your pool’s pump to the solar pool panels where it gains heat, and is then sent back into the pool. This is typically done using an automatic controller and temperature sensors paired with a powered 3-way valve. This configuration ensures that pool water only goes through the solar panels when there is usable heat to gain. This handy video from TechnoSolis will help to explain:

A manual configuration would use a 3-way valve that would divert the water to the solar array when the handle is turned to the ON position during the day, and tuned to the OFF position in the evening.

Sizing the System

We typically recommended a south-facing array of solar pool panels with a surface area approximately half the size of the pool.

Using a rectangular pool as an example: 20ft x 40ft = 800ft²; therefore, 400ft² of panels are recommended as a base size.

There are many factors that can effect the sustainable temperature of your pool, and additional panels can be added to compensate for these factors. You can contact us any time to set up a FREE assessment for your home and/or business.

We have gained at least 8° on our average pool temperature, and our swimming season has been extended by almost 8 weeks. If you are thinking of solar, I couldn’t recommend Solcan more!

Edward (Southwestern Ontario)

Indoor Pools

Due to the risk of freezing because of year-round use, we recommend that indoor pools use a flat-plate solar collector like our solcan™ 2101 solar thermal collector. An indoor pool heating system would use a similar configuration to a combination solar thermal system and would typically incorporate domestic water heating. Please contact us for more information on indoor pool heating systems.

info docs

Solcan Solar Pool Heating
TechnoSolis Practical Buying Guide
Commercial Pool Heating Installations
TechnoSolis Solar Pool Heating Economics
Solar Pool Heating System Function
TechnoSolis System Cost & Reliability

Contact us to begin your Solar Pool Heating System design!

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