This page is here to serve as a reference for popular terms used when referring to solar systems, energy, and technology. Welcome to the Solcan Solar Dictionary!
Helpful abbreviations: ST (Solar Thermal), PV (Photovoltaic/Solar Electric), SPH (Solar Pool Heating)
ACTIVE SYSTEM: uses electric pumps, valves, and controllers (ST)
ACTUATOR: automatically rotates pressure safety valves to effectively automate water feature, pool/spa, cleaner, and solar operations (SPH)
ANODE ROD: aluminum or magnesium rod inserted into hot water tank to prevent oxidization and rusting (ST)
ARRAY: a group of solar panels (collectors or modules) installed in close proximity to each other
CHARGE CONTROLLER: also known as a solar regulator, this device maintains the batteries in an off-grid or grid-tied application and prevents overcharging (PV)
DIRECT SYSTEM: water is circulated through collectors and heated, then stored or used (ST)
FIT/microFIT: stands for feed-in-tariff. These programs offer a set price per kWh of energy generated from a renewable system. Ontario’s FIT/microFIT Program ended in 2015, but these programs are still ongoing in places around the world.
GHGs: greenhouse gases
GLYCOL: liquid alcohol commonly used in antifreeze and as a solvent (ST)
GRID-TIED: a solar electric system that connects to and is interactive with the electrical utility grid. The system can have battery storage, but it is not necessary (PV)
GRID-ZERO: a battery-based grid-tied PV system that can import energy from the utility, but does not export energy. This system is typically used when the local utility grid is at capacity, making a typical net-metering system unfeasible.
HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
INDIRECT SYSTEM: an antifreeze (like glycol) is circulated through the collectors, and the heat is transferred to the water via heat exchanger before the antifreeze is returned to the collectors (ST)
kWh: kilowatt hour
MC: multi-contact
NET-METERING: a grid-tied solar electric system that can be configured with or without batteries. When the power production of the system exceeds the consumption of the home or business, the additional energy is exported to the grid. If the power production of the system is less than the power consumption of the home / business, energy is imported from the utility. A credit is given for each kWh that is exported to the grid (PV)
NET-ZERO: producing the equivalent amount of energy that is consumed for heating / cooling and electrical usage
OFF-GRID: a home, cottage or system that is not connected to the utility grid. Typically, off-grid would simply mean off the electrical grid, but is commonly used to refer to properties that are totally self-reliant for heating, water, sewage, etc.
OFF-PEAK: Off-peak times are when the grid experiences less strain due to lower electrical demand. Used with time-of-use (T.O.U.) pricing.
PHOTOVOLTAICS: the branch of technology concerned with the production of electric current at the junction of two substances
PSV: pressure safety valve
PVC: polyvinyl chloride
ROOF MOUNT: a solar system mounted on the roof of home or building
SOLAR ENERGY: energy emitted from the sun
SOLAR POWER: energy emitted from the sun that is used for a practical application, esp. when referring to the conversion of energy into electricity (PV)
SOLAR REGULATOR (PV): also known as a charge controller, this device maintains the batteries in an off-grid or grid-tied application and prevents overcharging (PV)
STORAGE TANK: a pressure vessel that would store thermal energy typically containing water or glycol (ST)
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